Friday, October 23, 2015

NUR 306: Nursing Care Plan

Nursing students with Mr. Coffee-Mate

NUR 306 Health Foundations II early morning clinical orientations are now complete. After four early mornings of brewing coffee from 0530-0930 hours, Mr. Coffee-Mate has been admitted to the Dwight Schar College of Nursing Hospital Ward for further evaluation. 

Mr. Coffee-Mate has been admitted with a priority Nursing Diagnosis:

Fatigue related to increased physical exertion as evidenced by reports of sleep deprivation and "decreased energy to complete daily tasks" (i.e. taking a bath).

These nursing students have identified outcomes for Mr. Coffee-Mate:

1. The client will verbalize causes of fatigue on admission.
2. The client will identify potential factors that aggravate and relieve fatigue on day one of his hospital admission.
3. The client will explain how to offset his fatigue by creating a conservation plan by day 2 of his hospital stay.
4. The client will verbalize increased energy and improved well-being before discharge.

Nursing Interventions:

1. Assess severity of fatigue on a scale of 0-10 with every shift assessment (Whitehead, 2009).
2. Evaluate the adequacy of sleep (napping) and diet (avoidance of caffeine) prior to admission and provide education on avoiding naps and recommend decaffeinated coffee. Evaluate understanding of recommended diet and sleep pattern changes discussed by the end of the shift (Johansson et al, 2010; Minton et al, 2008).
3. Encourage the client to express feelings every shift, attribution of cause and behaviors about fatigue, including potential causes of fatigue, and possible interventions to alleviate fatigue (i.e. setting small, easily achieved short-term goals, developing energy management techniques; use active listening and provide hope) (Malouff et al, 2008; Price et al, 2008).
4. Collaborate with the primary care provider regarding the appropriateness of referrals to physical therapy for a carefully monitored aerobic exercise program and identify possibly needed aids (McMillain & Newhouse, 2011).

Please keep Mr. Coffee-Mate in your thoughts and prayers that a full recovery will be made before the next cohort of NUR 306 students in the Spring 2016 semester. 

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