After graduating from Mansfield Senior High School in 1940, Ruth Adamescu attended Mansfield General Hospital's School of Nursing before enlisting in the Navy in 1944. Ruth is a World War II veteran and was also a Navy lieutenant in the Nursing Corps. Adamescu, 89, was the Parade Marshall and main speaker at the 2011 Veteran's Day parade in Mansfied, Ohio. As she addressed a crowd of people, Ruth said that her decision to join the Navy changed her life. Throughout her speech, she talked about the fond memories she has and the lasting friendships she made. Thank you Ruth for proudly serving our country.
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Ruth Adamescu - 1943 graduate of Mansfield General Hospital School of Nursing |
Ruth Adamescu's Veteran's Day Speech
November 11, 2011
I proudly stand before you today as a veteran nurse of WW II.
Who would have thought I would live this long! I was born in Mansfield, Ohio on March 8, 1922 to my wonderful parents, Philip and Emma Smith. I was so blessed to have had them as my parents.
I had 3 brothers who also served our country during the war effort. My mother, who had been widowed, was considered a 4 star mother; 4 stars proudly hung in her window on Home Avenue to show that her children were bravely serving their country, all at the same time.
I started Hedges School in January of 1928. I was a student there until 9th grade when I attended John Simpson Jr. High School. I graduated from Mansfield Senior High School in January, 1940 on a frigid 10 degrees below zero evening.
I entered the Mansfield General Hospital School of Nursing in September, 1940. I had 3 years of training, graduating in 1943. Among my first assignments was shift supervisor of the obstetrical unit at the hospital.
One afternoon, my friend, Norma Crotty, visited the OB floor in full Naval Nurses' regalia. Something clicked within me and I went out and immediately joined the Naval Nurse Corp, in June of 1944. This new-found career opened up a whole new world for this small town girl and would create many, many years of fond memories and lasting friendships.
I got official orders to report to Sampson, NY for training. I was happy to discover that this area was located 5 miles from the beautiful Finger Lakes district of Geneva, NY. I spent 6 months of intensive training, learning the basics of Naval Nurse Corps.
At Sampson, we were responsible for the wounded from overseas. We learned that we nurses were to be in supervisory capacity rather than provide bedside nursing...rather, "hand-on" nursing was delegated to the corpsmen. This position of officer was quite difficult for a Florence Nightingale, like myself, who wanted to instead, provide tender care to the patients.
After 6 months of this training, we got our orders to report to North Island, across the bay from San Diego. Access to the island was via a ferry. I was surrounded by a bunch of wonderful RN's, from all over the country; several of whom would become my lifelong friends.
At North Island I was assigned to a family hospital where I once again worked in obstetrics and surgery. This facility took care of the relatives of the service people. We were so proud to be an American and to serve our country!
The one thing I want to express is the extreme patriotism that was rampant, at the time. Everyone gave their best to help with the war effort. That was when many Mom's got out of the kitchen and worked in defense factories.
Our next assignment was to be shipped to Kodiac, Alaska. However, the Japanese surrendered and the war ended. We were sent to our homes.
It was a wonderful and exciting time for this shy RN from Mansfield, Ohio. My best friends are gone now and I alone remain.
In closing, on this Veteran's Day, I want to pay homage to the men and women who have served and died for our country, in the past and present wars and those who are serving so bravely today.
God bless them and God bless the United States of America!
So proud of you Aunt Ruth! Love, Kristen